- International fan site about ArmA, ArmA2, addons, news, missions, campaigns, patchs, utilities
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Darkfall had a 3D world environment and contained mild violence. The official Darkfall servers were closed on November 15, 2012. The name is a parody of King Arthur's round table reinforced by the truism that roleplaying aficionados often end up sitting round their host's dinner table as it is the only one large enough to accommodate the party (4 to 8 people… A number of Bethesda's responses and attempts to provide ongoing support related to Fallout 76 in the months following its launch were also met with criticism. The character has been substantially adapted from the comics into various media, including several animated television series and video games. Lee Pace portrayed the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Guardians of the Galaxy… Doctor Fate (also known as Fate) is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character has appeared in various incarnations, with Doctor Fate being the name of several different individuals in the… Features news, forum, chat, downloads including missions and manuals, roster, ship database, and tactics. Navigationshilfet Y
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